Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
Mission statement:
This Committee helps members of our community to build greater awareness and explores mechanisms to create – both individually and collectively – an inclusive and supportive environment in which every member of the community is treated justly and respectfully. To achieve these goals, it may organize programs, conduct research, and issue recommendations for the Department faculty and administration.
DEI Committee Updates
The Department of Political Science formed a DEI committee in 2023. The committee is working on several items. We list a few here as illustrations:
- On February 27, 2024, Prof. Kimberly Bergendahl (POLS) spoke on “Making the Undergraduate Classroom More Accessible.pptx.”
- In early 2024, the POLS DEI committee issued this report.pdf studying the political science undergraduate majors in comparison with CLAS and the university as a whole. Thanks to Professor Paul Herrnson (POLS) for assessing the data and writing this report.
- For academic year 2024-2025, the committee set a goal that POLS department faculty would advertise for at least five work/study research assistants (the WSRAP program).
For more information on faculty research and graduate and undergraduate achievements that relate to DEI, see POLS News & Notes.
For university-level DEI, see Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice @UConn.
For information regarding Land Acknowledgements, see the Native American Cultural Programs' Land Acknowledgement and Land Grab Connecticut.