Department Awards

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, the Department is pleased to offer a number of awards to our undergraduate and graduate students.

These awards and scholarships are granted to undergraduate and graduate students every spring semester for tuition and fees. (The average award is $500.) All political science majors are welcome to apply. The application deadline is February 1.
Apply here

Undergraduate Awards

  • Augusta H. Gerberich Scholarship: Given annually to a junior or senior majoring in political science whose special field of interest is international relations. This award is given to female students. The award is based on high levels of scholastic aptitude and scholastic success, demonstration of financial need, and promise of leadership.
  • Fund for Legal Studies Fellowship: Given annually to undergraduate students, with preference to seniors, in recognition of scholarly achievement and who intend to pursue degrees in political science, with priority given to students who plan to enter law school after graduation.
  • I. Ridgway Davis Pre-Law Scholarship: Given annually to an undergraduate with an outstanding academic record who has been accepted for entry to law school. (Proof of law school acceptance must be provided by April 15. Funds will be awarded once proof of acceptance is received.)
  • Irving Smirnoff Award: Given annually to undergraduate juniors and/or seniors to provide financial support.
  • Jaime B. Cheshire ’99 Endowed Internship Award: To provide financial support for an undergraduate enrolled in the University’s Department of Political Science within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
  • Howard Reiter Senior Award for Graduate Study in Political Science: Given annually to the undergraduate senior who plans to study political science at the graduate level.
  • Roy H and Hilda M. Merolli Scholarship in Political Science: To provide scholarship support for continuing undergraduate students enrolled full-time with demonstrated academic achievement and financial need who are political science majors in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
  • Elizabeth C. Hanson Scholarship: The Elizabeth C. Hanson Scholarship provides up to $2,000 to support students who are pursuing an internship in an international setting or in an organization deeply engaged in international matters. Undergraduates interested in international relations, international political economy, critical global issues, and international culture and institutions are eligible to apply. Learn more and apply for this scholarship.
  • Fannie Dixon Welch Scholarship: Given annually to a junior or senior female political science major with a special interest in international relations and public policy who is a Democrat, registered in Connecticut. This scholarship is awarded separately by the Connecticut Federation of Democratic Women. The recipient of this award will be contacted directly by the CFDW (not UConn).

Graduate Awards

Each year, the Graduate Affairs Committee selects the recipients of the following awards:

  • Norman Kogan Fellowship: Given annually to a graduate student (Ph.D. or MA) in political science who studies European politics, with a preference for one who specializes in the study of Western European politics.
  • Fund for Legal Studies Fellowship: Given annually to a student (with priority consideration given to MA or Ph.D. students) in political science with preference for one studying public law.
  • Governor Abraham Ribicoff Fellowship: Given annually to a graduate student in political science, with preference for a student who specializes in the study of American politics and is a current resident of Connecticut.
  • George F. Cole Dissertation Fellowship: Awarded to a graduate student in political science conducting dissertation research in public law. Preference given to a student studying the administration of criminal justice.
  • Michael Dunphy Award: Given annually to a graduate student (MA or Ph.D.) with a strong interest in either American government or society, history, or culture. The Department of Political Science shares this award with the Departments of History and Sociology.
  • Everett Ladd Fellowship in American Politics: Given annually to a graduate student with the highest scholastic standing who intends to pursue American politics as a Ph.D. field.
  • J. Garry Clifford Graduate Fellowship Fund: To assist in the recruitment and retention of excellent graduate students and offer a recurrent source of graduate student support.
  • The Howard L. Reiter Memorial Award for Political Science Graduate Education: To support the University by providing fellowship support for graduate students enrolled full-time in the Department of Political Science in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, who have demonstrated academic achievement and financial need.