Doctorates Granted & Job Placements

Year Name Dissertation Title Job Placement
2024 M. Aynal Haque Mitigating Climate Change: Cross-National Variation in Policy Ambitions Visiting Assistant Professor of International Relations, Bucknell University (Lewisburg, PA)
2024 Matthew Parent Shaping the Battlefield: Assessing the Symbolic Role of Military Technologies Impact and Outreach Coordinator for the Project on Managing the Atom. Faculty Assistant for Prof. Bunn. Harvard Kennedy School, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs (Cambridge, MA)
2024 Brooks Kirchgassner  Enemies of the State: Poor Whites, Black Power, and the Politics of Solidarity Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science, DePauw University (Greencastle, IN)
2023 Stavros Papadopoulos Confronting the Sixth Mass Extinction: Political Responses to Climate Change in the U.S. 
2023 Deng Yinghao Between Hua-Yi Distinction and Racial Consciousness: A Critical Study of Liu Shipei Sun Zhongshans Han Nationalism Lecturer, Yunnan University (Kunming, China)
2023 Sercan Canbolat Leadership Types and Organizational Formation of Violent Non-State Actors in the Middle East and North Africa: An Arabic Operational Code Approach Inaugural Director of Abrahamic Programs and Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Connecticut (Storrs, CT)
2023 Imge Akaslan Brokering Labor Rights in Global Supply Chains: Buying Agents and the Challenges of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Postdoctoral Researcher, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg, Germany)
2023 Hoeun Lee Partisan Perceptions at Critical Moments: Evidence from South Korea 
2022 Gregory Doukas Political Responsibility in Tumultuous Times Visiting Position, Babson College (Boston, MA)
2022 Erica (MacDonald) Laplante Formally Informal? Sex Work, Stigma and Institutions Director, Human Rights Research and Data Hub; Postdoctoral Research Associate, Gladstein Family Human Rights Institute (Storrs, CT)
2022 Fahd Rafiq Who’s Got Power? Government Politics and Ethnic Insurgencies in Pakistan Adjunct Professor of Political Science, University of Connecticut (Storrs, CT); Social Studies Department Chair, Franklin Academy (East Haddam, CT)
2022 Carol Gray Law as a Site of Struggle for Human Rights: A Case Study of Egypt and the Hisham Mubarak Law Center Assistant Professor of Public Law, University of Alaska Fairbanks (Fairbanks, AK)
2022 Thomas Briggs Before Bananas, Beaches and Bases: Where are the Women in IR History before the 1980s? Research Associate, American Samoa Nationality and Citizenship Archives Project, University of Connecticut (Storrs, CT)
2022 Dabney Waring Collective Identity, Multiplicity, and the Ontology of the International
2022 Khaled Aboudahham A theory of the Forever War: How the Global War on Terror I Waged to Last
2021 Alyssa Webb The Long Road Home: The Political Obstacles to the Right to Housing Educational Program Coordinator, Human Rights Institute, University of Connecticut (Storrs, CT)
2021 Kevin Hurley The Great Powers and the Iranian Rentier State Lecturer, United States Coast Guard Academy (New London, CT)
2020 Shawna Lesseur Pinching Politics: An Ontology and Pedagogy of Genocide Film Director of Compliance Training, Fidelity Investments (West Hartford, CT); Founding Partner, Umbra Edu (Manchester, CT)
2020 Steven Manicastri Whatever It Takes: How the MCU Avenges Neoliberal Hegemony Staff Representative, Communications Workers of America (CWA) Local 1036 (West Trenton, NJ)
2019 Kelly Delaney Frames of Reference: Secularism, Religion, and Terrorism in the 21st Century Assistant Professor, Social Science, Community College of Rhode Island (Warwick, RI)
2019 Derefe Chevannes Modernity’s Undertone: On Reconceptualizing Political Speech Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Memphis (Memphis, TN)
2019 Frank Griggs The Grapes of Development’s Aftermath: Climate Change, Displaced Persons, and Conflict Assistant Professor in Residence, Department of Political Science, University of Connecticut Avery Point (Groton, CT)
2019 Gabriela Tafoya Social Protection in Latin America and the Caribbean: Welfare Generosity and Electoral Dynamics in Comparative Perspective Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Manchester University (North Manchester, IN)
2019 Taesim Kim Bridge over Troubled Water: Risk and Public Support for Social Protection Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Sogang University (Seoul, South Korea)
2018 Stephen Del Visco National Review and White Racial Identity Politics in U.S. Conservatism Full Time Lecturer in Public Law, Georgia State University (Atlanta, GA)
2018 Rhea Debussy Lavender Security Threats: Understanding the Histories of Discrimination Against LGBT Persons in the Military and Intelligence Communities Inaugural Director of External Affairs, Equitas Health (Columbus, OH)
2018 Ahmad Wais Wardak Hybrid Justice in Afghanistan: Challenges of State-Building and Post Conflict Rule of Law Assessment, Monitoring & Evaluation (AM&E) Specialist Federal Contractor (Washington, DC)
2018 Corinne Tagliarina The Confluence of Domestic and International Law in the Institutionalization of the Human Rights to Water Success Coach, ACE Program, The State University of New York Morrisville (Morrisville, NY)
2018 Bernadette LaMontagne Grasping the Third Rail: When and Why Does Unpopular Welfare Retrenchment Occur? Program Officer, Meridian International Center (Washington, DC)
2018 Fathima Shaznene Hussain Property Limits of Human Rights: Postcolonial and Transnational Feminist Consideration of Responsible Agricultural Investment Discourses Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science, Trinity College (Hartford, CT)
2017 Timothy Dzurilla Fair Trade Pathways: Historical Institutionalism, Transnational Welfare Networks, and FairTrade Impact on Coffee Producers in Nicaragua and East Timor Organizational Consultant, Common Sense Development Solutions, LLC (Hartford, CT)
2017 Steven Williamson Pavement in Paradise: The  Ngöbe People of Panama and a Theory of Geography, Infrastructure, and Resistance Visiting Lecturer, University of Rhode Island (Kingston, RI)
2017 Takiyah Harper-Shipman What’s Left to Own? Moving Beyond Ownership of Development in Aid-Dependent Africa John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur, Chair & Associate Professor, Africana Studies Department, Davidson College (Davidson, NC)
2017 Vanessa Lovelace Trailing Freedom: Embodied Resistance, Geopolitics, and a Black Sense of Freedom Assistant Professor of Crime and Justice Studies, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (Dartmouth, MA)
2017 Brian Boecherer The Cultivation and Development of Political Trust in Estonia Identity and the Perceived Intention of the Law Chief Executive Officer and Consultant, Olive Shade Higher Education Consulting, LLC (Storrs, CT)
2017 Melanie Meinzer Agents of Change? Critical IR, Foreign Aid and Political Consciousness in Palestinian Education Leading Edge Fellow, American Council of Learned Societies (New York, NY)
2017 Jerry Rice National Insecurity: Why Do So Many in the World’s Most Security Conscious Nation Live in Fear? Social Studies Teacher, Jefferson High School (Jefferson, GA) and Adjunct Professor, Perimeter College (Atlanta, GA)
2017 Ross Dardani Weaponized Citizenship: A Critical Race Theory Analysis of U.S. Citizenship Legislation in the Pacific Insular Territories Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Muhlenberg College (Allentown, PA)
2017 Joshua Stapel Protecting the Liberal International Order: The Institutionalized Cooperation Among the United States, the European Union, and Canada and the Organizational Development of IGO’s MBA Candidate, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, MN)
2017 Meghan Peterson w’s Haze, Police Ways, and Tech’s Maze: Relationships Between American Law, Crime, Technology Research Analyst, Institute for Municipal and Regional Policy, University of Connecticut School of Public Policy (Hartford, CT)
2016 Kevin Generous Procuring Swords for Plowshares: Congressional Use of Strategic Weapons Acquisition to influence U.S. Arms Control Negotiations Associate Professor, Joint Forces Staff College, National Defense University (Norfolk, VA)
2016 Salil Benegal A Changing Climate in the Public Mind: How Do Economic Risk and Political Partisanship Affect How We Think About Climate Change? Joseph B. Board Assistant Professor of Environmental Policy, Union College (Schenectady, NY)
2016 Jason Charrette A Difference that Makes a Difference: The Role of the United States in World Society Assistant Professor of Practice, Plymouth State University (Plymouth, NH)
2016 Yunmin Nam Globalization, Welfare Policy, and Income Inequality in Developed Economies Assistant Professor, Kongju National University (Gongju, South Korea)
2016 Allyson Yankle Just Like Any Other Court: European Court of Human Rights as a Political Institution Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Radford University (Radford, VA)
2016 Clifford Vickrey Seeking the Constituent Signal: Exit Poll Measures of Public Opinion and Dynamic Congressional Responsiveness Software Engineer, Workgroup Technology Partners (Westbrook, ME)
2015 Juhem Navarro Rivera The Diversity of Latino Ideology Political Research Director and Managing Partner, Socioanalitica Research; Senior Fellow, Institute for Humanist Studies
2015 Benjamin Carbonetti State Capacity: Explaining the Tools of Repression Placement: Visiting Director of the Human Rights Program and Lecturer in Human Rights, Trinity College (Hartford, CT)
2015 Gregory Williams Pioneers of Radical Political Economy: The Growth in Thinking of Immanuel Wallerstein and Perry Anderson Associate Professor and Director, Master in Public Policy (MPP) program at Simmons University (Boston, MA)
2015 Daniela Melo Strategy and Context: Women’s and Urban Squatters’ Movements in Portugal Lecturer, Social Sciences, College of General Studies, Boston University (Boston, MA)
2014 Jamie Huff On Southern Soil: Fiction, Identity, Violence and the Law Associate Professor of Criminal Justice, Bridgewater State University (Bridgewater, MA)
2014 Dennis Ricci U.S. Military Intervention in the Post-Cold War Era: A Case-Study Analysis of Presidential Decision Making
2014 Sarah Hampson Rights Claiming and Work/Life Balance Policies in the U.S. Associate Professor, University of Washington Tacoma (Tacoma, WA)
2014 Maria Fernanda Enriquez Leon Social Movements and Framing Decisions: Ecuador’s Campaign for the Rights of Nature Senior Program Manager of Environment & Society, Institute of Behavioral Science, University of Colorado Boulder (Boulder, CO)
2014 Kristy Belton Westphalian (Dis)Order: Postnational Theses and Developing World Realities  Founder and Guide, Prairie Pathways, LLC (Chicago, IL)
2014 Daniel Tagliarina Power, Privilege, and Prayer: Christian Right Identity Politics and Mobilization for School Prayer Associate Professor of Political Science, Utica University (Utica, NY)
2014 Yazmin Garcia Gender Differences in Political Knowledge: Case of Mexico Branch Chief, Response and Measurement Branch, Decennial Statistical Studies Division, U.S. Census Bureau (Suitland, MD)
2014 Jack Barry I Want MY ICT: Information Communication Technology, Governance, and Poverty in the Developing World  Postdoctoral Research Associate, Center for Public Interest Communications, University of Florida (Gainesville, FL)
2014 Brenna Bridwell Legitimate Illegitimacy: Measuring Terrorists’ Legitimacy During and After Negotiations Adjust Professor, Eastern Connecticut State University (Willimantic, CT); Paraprofessional, Glastonbury Public Schools (Glastonbury, CT)
2013 Pablo G. Paras The Power of Perceptions: How Social Capital is being Impacted by Crime and Corruption in Mexico President and Founder, Data OPM (Mexico City, Mexico)
2013 Matthew A. Leep Casualty Politics and Congressional Rhetoric Instructor of Political Science, Western Governors University (Salt Lake City, UT)
2013 Rodrigo Praino The Italian/American Congress: Symbolic Representation, Congressional Tenure, and Legislative Voting Behavior Associate Professor, College of Business, Government and Law, Flinders University (Adelaide, Australia)
2013 Alexander E. Reger Discursive Leadership and the Imaginative Vision: The Presidency of Gerald R. Ford Principal Legislative Analyst, Connecticut General Assembly (Hartford, CT)
2012 Ekim Arbatli Oil and (non)democratic Politics: Explaining Resource Nationalism in Russia and Venezuela Associate Professor, School of Politics and Government, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia)
2012 Joseph Mello Rights Discourse and the Mobilization of Bias: Exploring the Institutional Dynamics of the Culture Wars Associate Professor and Pre-Law Advisor, DePaul University (Chicago, IL)
2012 Dina Badie Security and the Rentier State Frank B. and Virginia B. Hower Professor of Politics and International Studies, Centre College (Danville, KY)
2012 Nicholas W. Easton The Political Machine in Providence Assistant Professor, Columbus State University (Columbus, GA)
2011 Sultan Al-Marshad The Impact of Good Governance and Decentralization Reforms on the Effectiveness of local authorities: the Case of Saudi Municipalities Dean of Graduate Studies and Associate Professor of Business Administration, Northern Border University (Arar, Saudi Arabia)
2011 Romulus Maier The Reason of the Other Western Conceptualizations of Alterity through Freedom and Faith Adjunct Faculty of Political Science, University of Connecticut Avery Point (Groton, CT)
2010 Peter F. Sielman Virtual Town Meeting Member, Salem Democratic Town Committee (Salem, CT)
2010 Robert M. Bosco Moderating Islam: Security, Religion, and the Western State Associate Professor and Chair of International Studies, Centre College (Danville, KY)
2010 Daniel Stockemer Explaining the Membership and Trajectories of Social Movement Organizations (SMOs) — A Comparative Case Study of Attac Germany and France Full Professor of Political Studies, University of Ottawa (Ottawa, Canada)
2010 Chaka Uzondu The Imperial Relations of Food: Food Sovereignty and Self-Determination in Global Relations  Researcher, Millar Institute for Transdisciplinary and Development Studies (Bolgatanga, Ghana)
2010 Jose E. Mora The Political Incorporation of Penteconstals in Panama, Puerto Rico and Brazil: A Comparative Analysis Professor, Global Affairs, American University of Phnom Penh (Phnom Penh, Cambodia)
2010 Robert W. Glover Citizenship Unhinged: Exploring the Potential of Agnostic Citizenship Associate Professor of Political Science & Honors, University of Maine (Orono, ME)
2009 Scott F. Creamer Assessing Offense-Defense Theory: A Structural Explanation of Intrastate War and Ethnic Conflict Dean of Humanities and Social Science and Professor of Political Science, Valencia College (Orlando, FL)
2009 Penelope Portuguez Private Motives in the Public Domain: Judicial Doctrine and the Establishment Clause from 1947-2005 Administrative Support Specialist, University of Connecticut (Storrs, CT)
2009 J. Christopher Paskewich Public Spaces, Public Faiths: Leo Strauss on Modernity and the Polis Associate Professor and Chair of Politics, Centre College (Danville, KY)
2009 Wesley B. Renfro Presidential Decision-Making and the Use of Force Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Strategic Initiative and Professor of Political Science, Quinnipiac University (Hamden, CT)
2009 Jason Rich Coercion and Compellance: Systemic and Contextual Constraints Lecturer, Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, GA)
2009 Laura L. Janik Pathogens without Passports: The Provision and Underprovision of Global Health Goods Associate Professor of International Relations, Western New England University (Springfield, MA)
2009 Craig Albert The Identity/Violence Nexus: Measuring the Relationship between Ethnic Group Identity and Intensity of Violence in Contentious Political Arenas Graduate Director of Maiss Program & Professor, Pamplin College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, Augusta University (Augusta, GA)
2008 Derick A. Becker South Africa’s Neoliberal Turn: The Localisation, Adaption, and Evolution of International Ideas Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Nottingham Malaysia (Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia)
2008 Anat Niv-Solomon Dissertation: Cycles of Reciprocity: Cooperation and Protracted Conflict in International Affairs Associate Professor, College of Staten Island, The City University of New York (Staten Island, NY)
2007 Brian R. Urlacher Third Parties and the Tacit Mediation of Intra-State Conflict: Negotiating with an Elephant in the Next Room Department Chair and Professor, Political Sciences and Public Administration, University of North Dakota (Grand Forks, ND)
2007 Andrew L. Pieper Competing Traditions? Religion and the American Left, 1977-2000 Professor of Political Science, Kennesaw State University (Kennesaw, GA)
2007 Natalie F. Hudson Evolving Threats and Faceless Enemies: Engendering Human Security in the United Nations Professor of Political Science; Executive Director of the Human Rights Center; Research Professor of Law, University of Dayton (Dayton, OH)
2006 Chase H. Harrison It’s How You Know Who You Know: The Impact of Different Types of Interpersonal on American Attitudes Toward Immigration Associate Director, Program on Survey Research; Preceptor in Survey Research, Department of Government, The Institute for Quantitative Social Science, Harvard University (Cambridge, MA)
2006 Matthew D. Lyon Building and Balancing: The Czechoslovak Decision to Join NATO
2006 Charles F. Jacobs Desegregation and the Connecticut Supreme Court: The Case of Sheff v. O’Neill Professor of Political Science, St. Norbert College (De Pere, WI)
2006 Masako Okura What is the Color of Social Capital? Bringing Race in Political Science Associate Professor, School of Policy, Justice, and Public Safety, Columbus State University (Columbus, GA)
2005 Florencia Luengo Explaining Stocks of Social Capital: Argentina from a Comparative Perspective
2005 Gary R. Donato The Nixon Doctrine: A Differentiated Assessment of U.S. National Interests Lecturer of Government, Bentley University (Waltham, MA); Adjunct Professor, Mass Bay Community College (Wellesley, MA)
2005 Rebecca Chaffee Influence of the Family, Civic Education, Community Service, and Individual Factors on High School Students’ Political Socialization: Vertical and Lateral Socialization Approaches Combined Instructor, Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute (Hudson, NC)
2005 Jiyoung Chin Domestic Institutional Choices: A Comparative Analysis of Trade Liberalization in OECD Countries
2005 Carlos A. Elordi Political Ideology in three Latin American Countries and the United States Director of Analytics and Applied Methodologies, Heart+Mind Strategies (Reston, VA)
2005 Tara Lavallee Globalizing the Iron Triangle: The Changing Face of the US Defense Industry Teacher & College Guidance Counselor of Middle/Upper School, Lowcountry Preparatory School (Pawleys Island, SC)
2005 Rosemary Shinko Deconstructing Sovereignty: The Underlying Liberal Narrative Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education Global Inquiry, American University (Washington, DC)
2005 Clemente Quinones Impact of the Mexican Electoral System Evolution on Representation, Strategic Voting and Democracy Assistant Professor of Political Science, Georgia Gwinnett College (Lawrenceville, GA)
2005 Javier Morales-Ortiz The Politics of International Trade Negotiations over Interdomestic Issues: The European Community and the Liberalization of Agricultural Trade at the Uruguay Round Chair, Department of Politics & Global Citizenship; Associate Professor, Political Science and International Relations; Coordinator, Latin American Studies Minor, Baldwin Wallace University (Berea, OH)
2005 Zsolt Nyiri Finding the Right Balance: Centralization, Decentralization, and Hyperdecentralization in Post-Communist Hungary from a Comparative Perspective Associate Professor, Political Science and Law, Montclair State University (Montclair, NJ)
2005 Michele L. Crumley The Internalization of Russian Agriculture: Institutional Reforms and Domestic Constraints, 1972-2002 Associate Professor and Coordinator, International Affairs Program, East Tennessee State University (Johnson City, TN)
2005 Zaira Reveron Assessment of Decentralization Policy: Case of Venezuela Professor of Social Sciences, Simón Bolívar University (Caracas, Venezuela)
2005 Adolfo Vargas Patterns of Mass Publics and Mass Political Cultures: Venezuela in Comparative Perspective Professor of Social Sciences, Simón Bolívar University (Caracas, Venezuela)
2004 Neal Edison Coates Making Waves: The Bush and Clinton Administrations and the Law of the Sea Department Chair and Professor of Political Science and Criminal Justice, Abilene Christian University (Abilene, TX)
2004 Wei (Eli) Han The Nature of Political Coercion: An Analysis and Justification Attorney and Partner, King & Wood Mallesons (New York, NY)
2004 Michael J. Butler Just Causes or False Premises: Just War Theory and Western Military Intervention, 1945-1995 Associate Professor of Political Science, Clark University (Worcester, MA)
2004 Khalid O. Al-Yahya Participative Decision-Making and Human Capital Utilization in Public Sector: A Comparative Perspective Senior Research Fellow and Director, King Salman Center for Governance and Innovation (Saudi Arabia)
2003 Natalia Brandler The Effect of Electoral Systems on Women’s Representation: The Case of Venezuelan Municipal Elections Retired, Professor of Social Sciences, Simón Bolívar University (Caracas, Venezuela)
2003 John Walko The Effect of Electoral Systems on Women’s Representation: The Case of Venezuelan Municipal Elections
2003 Stephen K. Carter, Jr. Second Opinion: The United States Public and the Demise of Health Care Reform
2003 Alejandro Corbacho Three to Tango: Pre-Negotiation, Mediation, and Anglo-Argentine Relations, 1982-1989 Director, Observatory of Security and Defense; Director, Political Science Program, University of CEMA (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
2003 Kimberly Ann Weir The Paradox of NGO State Relations Professor Emeritus, Northern Kentucky University (Highland Heights, KY)
2003 James Allan Partisan Politics and Welfare State Entitlements in Eighteen Advanced Industrial Democracies, 1975-1999 Department Chair and Professor of Political Science, Wittenberg University (Springfield, OH)
2002 Amanda Ross Edwards Policy Dialogues: Gender Equity in Sport Associate Professor of Public and International Affairs, North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC)
2002 Douglas J. Becker The Creation and Maintenance of the War Crimes Regime Associate Professor of Political Science and International Relations and Environmental Studies, University of Southern California Dornsife (Los Angeles, CA)
2002 Omar Hlynur Kristmundsson Reinventing Government in Iceland: A Case Study of Public Management Reform Professor of Public Administration, University of Iceland (Reykjavik, Iceland)
2002 Lesley Ann DeNardis Mexican Municipalities Institutional Performance and Accountability During the Democratic Transition Dean, Division of Arts and Sciences, Rivier University (Nashua, NH)
2001 Jennifer Necci Dineen The Impact of Political Participation on Political Tolerance in America Program Director, Graduate Program in Survey Research, Institute for Collaboration on Health, Intervention, and Policy (Storrs, CT); Associate Professor in Residence of Public Policy, University of Connecticut (Hartford, CT)
2001 Sung-Uk Hwang Green Capitalism:  A Dangerous Liaison
2001 Matthias E. Kretschmer Political Knowledge: A Comparative Perspective Vice President of Data (Transformation), Xometry (Washington, DC)
2001 Marc J. O’Reilly Contingent Imperialism: U.S. Involvement in the Persian Gulf since World War II Professor of Political Science, Heidelberg University (Tiffin, OH)
2001 Douglas Jay Schwartz Congressional Campaign Spending and Electoral Success Associate Vice President, Quinnipiac University Polling Institute (Hamden, CT)
2001 Murat Arik Security, Trade and Externalities: Explaining Change in Turkish Foreign Policy Behavior (1977-1997) Director, Business and Economic Research Center; Associate Professor of Management, Middle Tennessee State University (Murfreesboro, TN)
2001 Erin Carriere Sources of Environmentalism: A Model Incorporating Knowledge and Douglas and Wildavsky’s “Grid Group Cultural Theory” Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science, Trinity Washington University (Washington, DC)
2000 Lauro Ignacio Mercado Gasca A Model of Electoral Behavior at the Local Level in Mexico: Party Identification, Candidate Image, and Retrospective Evaluations Director General, Mercaei (Álvaro Obregón, Mexico)
2000 Leslie Omoruyi Motivations for OECD Aid to Sub-Saharan Africa in the Post Cold War Era: Realist and Liberal Theories in Comparative Perspective  Enterprise Performance Management Consultant
2000 Kimberly Rose (Slusarski) Bergendahl Restoring a Constitutional Role: Changing Senate Influence on United States Supreme Court Nominations Associate Professor in Residence, Political Science, University of Connecticut (Storrs, CT)
2000 Ronald W. Schack Political, Institutional and Organizational Effects on the Accuracy of Local Government Revenue Estimation Adjunct Professor, School of Public Policy, University of Connecticut (Hartford, CT); Managing Director, Charter Oak Group, LLC (Glastonbury, CT)
1999 John W. Burns Parties, Taxes, and American Democracy
1999 Mary Caprioli Predicting State Bellicosity: The Role of Democracy, Equality, and Economics
1999 Victor Chudowsky Ukrainian Foreign Policy in the Kuchma Era: Domestic and International Determinants
1999 Barry M. Feldman Reinventing Local Government: Beyond Rhetoric to Application
1999 Thomas Lamatsch The End of Materialism, the End of the Traditional Party
1999 Christopher Marsh Making Russian Democracy Work: Social Capital, Development, and Democratization in Russia
1999 Elizabeth T. Smith The Supreme Court and the Spoils System: Political Patronage in the Aftermath of the Rutan Case
1999 Pamela Hunter The Role of Focus Groups in Federal Electoral Campaigns
1999 Peter Frederick Trumbore Negotiating an Irish Peace: International Negotiation, Public Opinion, and the Politics of a Two Level Game
1999 Richard Bruce Cole Prison-Conditions Cases since Wilson V. Seiter. A Study in Lower Court Compliance with Supreme Court Decision making
1998 Michael A. Baum Political Culture and the Consequences of Revolutionary Change: Workplace Democracy and Local Politics in Portugal
1998 Neven Cirkveni The Criminal Justice System of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: The Role of the Public Prosecutor (1943-1991)
1998 Richard L. Clark Legislative Strategy and the Politics of Passing Controversial Foreign Economic Legislation
1998 Charles A. Hantz The Foreign Policymaking Process and International Outcomes in the Reagan Era 
1998 Julia S. Jordan-Zachery Agenda Formation: How Symbols Shape Public Policy
1998 Donna Lee Middle Powers in the Global Economy: British Influence at the Kennedy Trade Round
1998 Gon Namkung Japanese Images of the United States and Other Nations: A Comparative Study of Public Opinion and Foreign Policy
1998 Thomas J. Redden U.S. Response to a Third World Revolution: The Case of the Reagan Administration and Nicaragua
1998 Robert A. Sieczkiewicz A Reassessment of the General Systems Approach in the Study of the Determinants of Public Policy in the American States: A Study of Why Some States have more Liberal Policies than Others 
1997 Sandra M. Anglund How American Core Values Influence Public Policy: Problem Definitions in Federal Aid to Small Business, 1953-1993
1997 Michael D. Breen Community Policing in Manchester, Connecticut – Change: A Case Study
1997 Edward J. Valla The Catholic Church and the Re-emergence of Civil Society in Czechoslovakia, 1985-1990
1996 Fabian Antonio Echegray The Determinants of Electoral Choice in Latin America, 1982-1995
1996 James T. Graham President John F. Kennedy’s Information Strategy and Foreign Policy
1996 Laura S. Jensen The Entitlement Mentality: American Expectations
1996 Jessica Jan Kulynych Rethinking Political Participation: Participation and Resistance in a Postmodern Age
1996 Marek Payerhin Intellectuals in Search of a Social Movement: The Political and Strategic Choices of KOR
1996 Richard A. Rita The Russian Military and Civilian Control: An Explication and Analysis of Key Events, April 1993 to October 1994
1995 David A. Hubert Public Opinions and the Reagan Doctrine: Issue Structure and the Domestic Setting of Foreign Policy
1995 James A. McBryar Paying for Politics: Large Individual Campaign Contributions and Corporate Interests
1995 Andrew J. Taylor Divided Government, Domestic Policy and Political Change, 1955-1922
1995 Julie M. Walsh Mass Parties, Mass Schools and the Beginning of Modern Citizenship Training, 1820-1840
1994 Jose Vicente Carrasquero Legitimacy and Popular Support for the Democratic Political System in Venezuela
1994 Marc Cupolo Oil and Politics in Mexico and Venezuela (1976-1992)
1994 Katalin Ilona Farkas Decentralization and Democratization: The Case of Hungary
1994 Tamas L. Fellegi Communism abandoned: Transition from Authoritarian Rule in Hungary, 1985-1990
1994 Momar Ndiaye The Applicability of Western Management Models to the Nature of Managerial Work in African Bureaucracies: The Case of Senegal in Comparative Perspective
1993 Zahid H. Bukhari Changing Political Attitudes of American Catholics, 1970s-1980s
1993 Okechukwu Chris Iheduru The Political Economy of International Shipping in West Africa
1992 Barry D. Friedman Regulation in the Reagan Era: New Procedures, New Results 
1992 Lucien T. Vandenbroucke Perilous Options: Special Operations as an Instrument of U.S. Foreign Policy
1991 Choon Heum Choi The Two Superpowers in China’s Alliance Policy Toward North Korea, 1969-1989
1991 Rekha Datta Why Alliances Endure: The United States-Pakistan Alliance, 1954-1971
1991 Mohamed Elsayed Ghanem The Role of Congress in Arms Transfer to the Middle East, 1976-1988
1991 Uk Heon Hong Democracy in South America: The Politics of Exceptionalism in Venezuela, 1959-1990
1991 Judith Fay Kornberg Alternatives in Sino-American Relations, Rapprochement and Foreign Policy Decision Making: U.S. Relations with the People’s Republic of China
1991 Alberto D. Pena The Impact of Community Development Program on Political Development at the Village Level in the Philippines
1990 Emmanuel N. Amadife Pre-Theories and Theories of Foreign Policy Making: A Case Study of U.S. Foreign Policy Toward the Nigerian Civil War, 1967-1970
1990 Choon Heum Choi The Two Superpowers in China’s Alliance Policy Toward North Korea, 1969-1989
1990 Rekha Datta Why Alliances Endure: The United States-Pakistan Alliance, 1954-1971
1990 Judith F. Kornberg Alternatives in Sino-American Relations, Rapprochement and Foreign Policy Decision Making: U.S. Relations with the People’s Republic of China
1990 Jong Chul Park The China Factor in United States Decision Making Toward Vietnam, 1945-1965
1989 Terri S. Fine Women, Individualism, and American Political Life: The Impact of American Political Values on Attitudes Toward Public Polities Targeting Women
1989 Gail Johnson Where Have the Presidential Management Interns Gone: The Effect of Met and Unmet Expectations
1989 Ki-Jung Kim Structural Conditions of the World System and Foreign Policy Making: A Study of United States Foreign Policy Toward Korea, 1901-1905
1989 Jung Hyu Nam The Korean Minority Nationality in China: A Case Study of China’s Minority Nationalities Policy
1989 Hai-Su Yoon The Politics of Maneuverability: Chinese-Soviet Conflict and North Korea
1988 Frederick Joseph Demetruis Brazil’s National Alcohol Program: Technology and Development in an Autoritarian Regime
1988 Nancy Gewirtz Testing the Promise of Private Contracting: An Evaluation and Policy Analysis of Public and Private Social Services for Pregnant and Parenting Teenagers
1988 Robert C. Harrall Prisoners’ Section 1983 Cases: A Study of Palmigiano v. Garrahy
1988 Cristopher E. Smith United States Magistrates: Subordinate Judges in the Federal Courts
1987 Maria Elisabette de Franciscis The 1984 Agreement Between Italy and The Vatican: A Study in the Convergence of Domestic and International Politics
1987 Nancy Gewirtz Testing the Promise of Private Contracting: An Evaluation and Policy Analysis of Public and Private Social Services for Pregnant and Parenting Teenagers
1987 Robert Joseph Griffiths Against the Tide: The Reagan Administration and the Law of the Sea
1987 Roberto Pereira Guimaraes Ecopolitics in the Third World: An Institutional Analysis of Environmental Management in Brazil
1987 Katy Jean Harringer Symbol of Justice: The Federal Special Prosecutor in American Politics
1987 Akira Hayama Political Parties and Voters in Japan
1987 Carlos Raul Miranda The Politics of Consolidation in an Authoritarian Regime: Paraguay 1954-1986
1986 Jeffrey A. Lefebve Client Dependency and Donor Dependency: American Arms Transfers to the Horn of Africa
1986 Scott Barry MacDonald Democracy and Development in the Caribbean: Trinidad and Tobago as a Case Study
1985 Dong-Soo Kim U.S.-South Korea Relations in 1953-1954: A Study of Patron Client State Relationship
1985 Francis Joseph Leazes, Jr. Federal Business: The Government Corporation
1984 Marisabel Bras Castro Decision Structure in Foreign Affairs: The Transformation of the Advisory Commission on Foreign Affairs in Venezuela, 1974-1984
1984 Barry Peter Warren The Dynamics of Intra-Party Factionalism: The Impact Systemic Political Change on the House of Representatives, 1949-1974
1982 Barbara Hinkson Craig The Legislative Veto: Its Implications for Administration and the Democratic Process
1982 Dong-Sung Kim The Politics of Anti-Hegemonism and China’s Foreign Policy Toward Japan, 1971-1978
1982 Rhoda Sussman Weidenbaum Chou En-Lai, Creative Revolutionary
1981 Mary Waters Polci The Role and Development of the League of Women Voters in Connecticut: An Organizational Response to the Changing Status of Women
1981 Albert Conway Price The Politics of Definite Sentencing in Four American States
1981 Helena Georgette Tench Converging on the Clinch River: The Politics of the U.S. Breeder Reactor Program 
1980 John Frank Bantell Perpetual Peace Through World Law: The United World Federalists and the Movement for Limited World Government, 1945-1951
1980 Vinton D. Fisher, Jr. A Study of the Impacts of Affirmative Action and Collective Bargaining on a Central State Personnel Department — An Organization in Transition
1980 Peter Francis Hooper The Administrative Policy Process for Science: A Case Study of Organizational Environmental Dynamics
1980 Roy H. Merolli Public Authorities in Connecticut
1980 John Kenneth White The Fractured Electorate: Social Change and the Political Parties in Southern New England
1979 Walter M. McLoughlin Management Improvement in the Federal System: A Case Study Of the National Science Foundation’s Research Management Improvement Program
1979 Kathleen Hunter Sloan Judicial Responsibility for Decision-Making in the Juvenile Court
1978 Leilani E. Allen Migrants and Politics: Interest Articulation Among Foreign Workers in the Federal Republic of Germany
1978 Gordon E. Cannon Canada and Consociational Democracy: A Case Study
1978 Thomas D. Combs, Jr. The Party of Wales, Plaid Cymru: Populist Nationalism in Contemporary British Politics
1978 David Naveh The Political Role of Professionals in the Formation of National Policy: The Case of the President’s Council of Economic Advisors
1977 Mary Patrice Burke Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: U.S. Aid to Turkey
1977 Judson Marshall DeCew, Jr. Political Experience and Electoral Behavior In Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul, 1950-1974
1977 Marc G. Gertz Organizational Politics in Felony Cases: Justice in Five Connecticut Courts
1977 William Atwater Mussen, Jr. Socialism and the British Parliamentary Labour Party, 1945-1975
1977 Erika E. Pilver The Politics and Administration of Higher Education in Connecticut 
1977 Stuart Rothernberg United States-Canadian Relations, 1950-1973: The Limits of Community
1977 John Joseph Seiler The Formulation of U.S. Policy Toward Southern Africa, 1957-1976: The Failure of Good Intentions
1976 David Joseph Alvarez The United States and Turney 1945-1946: The Bureaucratic Determinants of Cold War Diplomacy
1976 Getulio Pereira Carvalho Petrobras: A Case Student of Nationalism and Institution Building in Brazil
1976 Jack Wesley Fyock Coordination of Higher Education in Connecticut: A Case Study
1976 Frederick James Matkin Partisan Preferences in Italy, 1952-1972: Patterns of Continuity and Change
1976 Susette M. Talarico Patterns of Decision Making in the Judicial Process: The Special Cases of Probation and Parole
1976 Edmond John True Judicial Politics In the American States: A Comparative Study of Recruitment and Policy Making
1976 Frederick L. Wallace Legitimacy and the Youth Movement of the 1960s
1975 Antonette Marzotto The Linkage Between Government Investments and Electoral Behavior: Policy Determinants and Impact in Southern Italy 
1975 John T. Rourke Congress and the Cold War: Congressional Influence on the Foreign Policy Process
1975 Ann Gostyn Serow Mass Media and National Politics: The Question of Bias in News Reporting
1975 Nicholas Stigliani Italy and Southern Tyrol: A Student in the Convergence of Domestic and International Politics
1975 David F. Walsh The External Relations of Quebec 1960-1970: An Aspect of the Jurisdictional Crisis Within the Canadian Federal System
1974 James C. Berger Conservatism and the American Professoriate
1974 Wilfredo A. Clemente Philippine Bureaucracy and Local Development: The Case of Two Municipalities
1974 Gregory G. Curtis Connecticut Historic Riverway: A Case Study of Acceptance and Rejection of a Natural Recreation Area
1974 Matthew M. Gallo The Politics of Nationalism in Scotland
1974 Ellen R. Jodaitis Rational-Empirical Theorizing in Political Science: A Justification and an Exemplification
1974 Theodore K. Moran Police Decision Making: The Effects of Differential Enforcement Choices on Public Policy
1974 Olatunde J. Ojo Nigeria’s Foreign Policy 1960-1965: Politics, Economics and the Struggle for African Leadership
1973 Wilfred Alan Bacchus The Political Dimension of Water Resource Development: A Study of the Brazilian Northeast, 1964-1971
1973 Mahmud Ahmad Faksh Education and Political Modernization and Change in Egypt
1973 John G. Hill Constitutional rights of Students at Public Institutions
1973 Hans Gert Peter Wallach Political Management and Party Democracy: Operational Patterns of Socialization, Recruitment, and Decision Making
1972 Murray L. Carroll Open Door Imperialism in Africa: The United States and the Congo, 1876-1892
1972 Richard J. Dalton Church State Relations in Italy: L’Aperture a sinistra, 1958-1963
1972 James F. Horan Pattern of Canadian Foreign Policy: A Study in the Shaping of Canada’s External Relations from Confederation to Suez
1972 Elwyn N. Kernstock How New Migrants Behave Politically: The Puerto Ricans in Hartford, 1970
1972 Lauriston R. King The Politics of Higher Education: The Washington Lobbyists 
1972 Philip H. Melanson Political Science and Political Knowledge 
1971 Charles David Hadley, Jr. The Anatomy of a Profession: American Political Scientists in a Time of Campus and Social Unrest
1971 Rosaline Levenson Municipal Legislators: A Study of Attributes, Attitudes, and Job Satisfactions
1971 James H. Marshall Effects on In Service Training on Professional Attitudes of Connecticut Municipal Officials
1970 George Bauroth An Institutional Organization: Australia’s Role and Intent in the Creation of the South East Asian Treaty Organization
1970 Frank M. Bryan Vermont: The Politics of Ruralism
1970 Patricia Taylor French Voting Behavior in 1962: The Role of the Electorate in the Consolidation of the Fifth Republic 
1969 Yong-Wha (Charles) Chai An Evaluation of Reputation as an Index of Political Leadership
1969 Anita Frankel Political Development in Guatemala, 1944-1954: The Impact of Foreign, Military, and Religious Elites
1969 Richard Fulton The Kpelle of Liberia: A Study of Political Change in the Liberian Interior
1969 Martin H. Greenberg Bureaucracy in Transition: A Mexican Case Study
1969 Andrea Helms Nation Building in the European Community: Regional Post National Political Development in Western Europe
1969 John Ladenburger The Philosophy of International Politics of John Foster Dulles, 1919-1952
1969 Morris A. Shepard Community power Structures: A Typology and Societal Correlates
1969 Nelson Wikstrom Councils of Governments: An Inquiry
1968 Jean D. Andrew The Effect of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Membership in Terms of Support of Foreign Policy, 1946-1966
1968 John C. Higley The Social Structure and Interaction of National Elites
1967 Daniel Newton Keck  Designs for the Postwar World: Anglo American Diplomacy, 1941-1945
1967 Clyde D. McKee, Jr. The Politics of Council Manager Forms Having and Not Having the Partisan Election
1967 Edward Eugene Platt Political Factors Affecting the Austrian Govevnment’s Decision to Join the EFTA
1962 Lowell Ronald Fleischer Charles A. Lindbergh and Isolationism, 1939-1941