Benjamin Stumpf
Ph.D. Candidate
Education: Hampshire College, BA, Philosophy
Research: I am a writer, educator, and PhD candidate in political theory at the University of Connecticut-Storrs. My research spans critical police and prison studies, environmental politics, race and gender politics, U.S. political culture, social movements, and global philosophies of liberation. My dissertation examines the cultural, political, historical, and theoretical dimensions of the climate crisis, cop cities, and abolitionist alternatives in the aftermath of the George Floyd Rebellion. I have taught courses on the history of social and political thought, American politics, prison and police studies, international relations, and political theory in film. My writing can be found in Abuseable Past, Black Issues in Philosophy, Philosophy and Global Affairs, Security in Context, and Radical Philosophy Review.
Benjamin Stumpf, “The Whiteness of Watching: Surveillant Citizenship and the Carceral State,” Radical Philosophy Review, 23, no. 1 (2020): 117-136
Benjamin Stumpf, “Behind Bars in the Belly of the Beast: Red Dragon’s Anti-Imperialist Political Thought,” Philosophy and Global Affairs, Volume 4, Issue 2 (2024): 299-325
Public Writing:
“What is Camp Grayling,” Security in Context (2023)
“Policing the Climate,” Security in Context (2023)
“Why Cop City is a Global Issue,” Security in Context (2023)
“Outside Agitators from the Civil Rights Movement to Stop Cop City,” The Abuseable Past (2023)
“Is Language a Battlefield?” Black Issues in Philosophy, Blog of the American Philosophical Association (2021)