Paul Herrnson
Political Science
Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison
Paul Herrnson earned his PhD at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and his BA at Binghamton University. He is Professor of Political Science at the University of Connecticut. His primary interests include political parties and elections, money and politics, public opinion, and voting systems and election administration. He teaches courses on campaigns and elections and other aspects of American politics.
Selected Books
Under the Iron Dome: Congress from the Inside, with Colton C. Campbell and David A. Dulio (London: Routledge, 2021).
Congressional Elections: Campaigning at Home and in Washington, (Washington, DC: CQ Press, 1st ed. 1995, 2nd ed. 1998, 3rd ed. 2000, 4th ed. 2004, 5th ed. 2008, 6th ed. 2012, 7th ed.. 2016, 8th ed. , 2020 with Costas Panagopoulos and Kendall Bailey).
Selected Refereed Journal Articles
“The Impact of COVID-19, Election Policies, and Partisanship on Voter Participation in the 2020 US Election,” with Charles Stewart, III, Election Law Journal, forthcoming.
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Election Administration, Voting Options, and Turnout in the 2020 US Election,” with Michael J. Hanmer, Matthew Weil, and Rachel Orey, Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Vol. 52 (2022): 452–475, 523,
“Vive la Différence? Is There a Gender Gap in Campaign Strategy and Spending, and Does it Matter?” with Charles R. Hunt and Jaclyn J. Kettler, Journal of Women, Politics & Policy (2022) 43:4, 463-482. 2022.2030893.
“The Impact of State Party Organization on the Voting Experience,” with Jay Goodliffe, Richard G. Niemi and Kelly D. Patterson, Election Law Journal, vol.19 (2020): 45-63.
“The Impact of Electoral Arrangements on Minority Representation: District Magnitude and the Election of African American State Legislators,” with Stella M. Rouse and Jeffrey A. Taylor, Election Law Journal, vol. 19 (2020): 64-78.
“Mobilization Around New Convenience Voting Methods: A Field Experiment to Encourage Voting by Mail with a Downloadable Ballot and Early Voting,” with Michael J. Hanmer and Ho Youn Koh, Political Behavior, vol. 41 (2019): 871-895.
“The Impact of District Magnitude on the Legislative Behavior of State Representatives,” with Jeffrey A. Taylor and James M. Curry, Political Research Quarterly, vol. 71 (2018): 302–317.
“The Impact of District Magnitude on Voter Drop-Off and Roll-Off in American Elections,” with James M. Curry and Jeffrey A. Taylor, Legislative Studies Quarterly, vol. 40 (2015): 627-650.
“The Impact of District Magnitude on Campaign Fundraising,” with James M. Curry and Jeffrey A. Taylor, Legislative Studies Quarterly, vol. 38 (2013): 517-543.
“Exceeding Expectations? Determinants of Satisfaction with the Voting Process in the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election,” with Ryan L. Claassen, Richard G. Niemi, and Kelly D. Patterson, Journal of Politics, vol. 75 (2013): 451-463.
“The Impact of Ballot Type on Voter Errors,” with Richard G. Niemi and Michael J. Hanmer, American Journal of Political Science, vol. 56 (2012): 716-730.
Selected Book Chapters
“The Super Women and the Super Men behind Super PACs: A New Source of Inequality,” with Jennifer A. Heerwig in John C. Green, Daniel J. Coffee, David B. Cohen, eds.. The State of the Parties, 9th ed. (Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield, 2022), 247-264.
“The Impact of Organizational Characteristics on Super PAC Financing,” with Jennifer A. Heerwig and Douglas M. Spencer, in John C. Green, Daniel J. Coffee, David B. Cohen, eds.. The State of the Parties, 8th ed. (Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield, 2018), 248-262.
“Political Parties and Campaign Finance Networks,” with Justin H. Kirkland, in Jennifer Nicoll Victor, Alexander H. Montgomery, and Mark Lubell, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Political Networks (New York: Oxford University Press, 2018), 407-432.
“The Races for Congress in 2016: A Tale of Two Elections,” with Raymond J. La Raja, in William J. Crotty, ed., Winning the Presidency 2016 (Florence, KY: Routledge, 2017), 103-128.
Provisional Ballots,” with Michael J. Hanmer, in Charles M. Stewart, III and Barry C. Burden, eds., The Measure of American Democracy (NY: Cambridge University Press, 2014), 91-112. | |
Phone | (860) 486-8336 |
Curriculum Vitae | Herrnson-Jan 2024 |
Office Location | Herbst Hall 422; |
Campus | Storrs |
Office Hours | M/W 2:15-3:15pm |