- Christine Sylvester spoke on “Memorialized War Women in the USA, Vietnam, and the UK” at a program on Gender, Sexuality, Memorialisation held at York University on September 13, 2022. On October 24 she spoke on “The Present Re-dux, Re-IR’d, and Maybe Re-curating”, at Central European University in Vienna. Finally, Dr. Sylvester spoke on “Who Owns National and World Heritage,” for the European Network of Remembrance and Solidarity program on “Heritage, Memory and International Relations” at Warsaw University on October 26, 2022.
- Stephen Dyson’s article, “Theresa May and Brexit: Leadership Style and Performance,” has been accepted for publication in British Politics.
- Hind Ahmed Zaki participated in a panel discussion on “Sisters in Resilience: Women’s Movements in Muslim Contexts.” She was joined by leading gender and politics scholars on October 28, 2022, at the Agha Khan University.
- Shareen Hertel and Catherine Buerger, a former Ph.D. from UConn’s anthropology department, co-edited two special volumes of the Journal of Human Rights entitled “Rights at Stake and the COVID-19 Pandemic.” The two issues of the journal draw together scholarship on the human rights implications of the COVID-19 pandemic at two critical junctures: six months in, and then almost two years later.
- Dr. Hertel has also been busy directing the Economic & Social Rights program (ESRG) of the UConn Human Rights Institute, which hosted colloquia this fall on various topics including “Disability rights & urban development” (with Tina Kempin-Reuter of the University of Alabama); “Policy experimentation in the mining sector” (with Tricia Olsen of the University of Denver); and “Worker-led efforts to combat forced labor in supply chains” (with Genevieve LeBaron of Simon Fraser University).
- Jeremy Pressman published an article entitled “Egypt, Israel, and the United States at the Autonomy Talks, 1979,” in Diplomacy & Statecraft (Vol. 33, No. 3 (2022), 543-565). In the article, he argues that Egypt, and to a lesser extent the United States, were advocating for significant Palestinian rights rather than simply supporting the Israeli line. At the same time, the U.S. diplomatic investment in the talks was at too low a level to help generate a breakthrough.
- Yonatan Morse presented a paper at the recent APSA Annual Meeting in Montreal entitled “Unpacking Candidate Selection in Authoritarian Regimes: Evidence from Cameroon.” He also wrote a blog post on the London School of Economics website titled “Authoritarian Regimes Rely on Candidate Selection to Constrain Legislatures.” The blog post links to an article he published in Government and Opposition entitled “Pathways to Power in Authoritarian Regimes: Multipartyism, Civil Service, and Legislative Selection in Cameroon.”
- Evan Perkoski recently participated in a workshop in Washington D.C. sponsored by the Bridging the Gap Initiative and the New America Foundation about emerging technology and its implications for the United States. Last month, he presented research on terrorist recruitment to the annual meeting of the National Counterterrorism, Intelligence, Technology, and Education Center of the Department and Homeland Security. Finally, at the 2022 APSA meeting in Montreal, Dr. Perkoski presented a research paper entitled “Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, and Patterns of Global Competition.”
- Paul Herrnson published a piece on The Conversation website on October 27, 2022 entitled “Most voters skipped ‘in person on Election Day’ when offered a choice of how and when to vote.” The piece generated over 4,500 readers in the first four days after it appeared and was reprinted in The Derrick, Chron.com, The News-Herald, New Hampshire Bulletin, Kiowa County Press, and other outlets. Dr. Herrnson also briefed Ms. Hildegard Rogler-Mochel (Germany) and Mr. Per N. Svartefoss (Norway) on behalf of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe on October 21.
- Dr. Herrnson has made numerous media appearances in recent weeks. In addition to an appearance on the NBC News show Face the Facts and Sirius/XM’s Dan Abrams Show, he has done three interviews for The CT Examiner (“‘It’s the Economy Stupid,’ New Poll Shows Tightening Races for Governor and Senate,” “Courtney in Strong Lead Over France, According to Latest Polling,” and “Hayes and Logan Neck and Neck in Latest Polling of Congressional Race.”) as well as interviews for Thomson/Reuters, USA Today, and Wisconsin Public Radio.
- Beth Ginsberg’s Electoral Behavior class recently sponsored a Voter Education Day on the Stamford campus. Community groups and candidates for various local, state, and federal offices came to campus and spoke to the students, who helped to register over 30 new voters.
- Dr. Ginsberg was also interviewed by the Connecticut Examiner and The Day about current electoral issues, including the impact of Latino voters and the Connecticut ballot initiative on early voting. Finally, she and UConn History Professor Joel Blatt presented a discussion to Stamford students on “What’s At Stake in the 2022 Midterm Elections.”