Faculty Achievements: Early Fall 2024

Dr. Stephen Dyson is co-principal investigator and Dr. Jeffrey Dudas is senior personnel on an NEH grant awarded to UCHI to investigate how legacies of slavery are shaping the perception and reception of conversational artificial intelligence. 

Dr. Beth Ginsberg is the recipient of the University Honors Faculty Member of the Year. 

Dr. Sam Best and Dr. Jeffrey Ladewig’s book Toppling Trump: How party elites steered Joe Biden to the Democratic nomination and victory in the 2020 presidential election got published by Springer in July 2024.

Dr. Matthew Singer has had four articles/chapters accepted since the Spring. “Executive Approval Dynamics in Presidential and Parliamentary Democratic Regimes” (coauthored with Ryan Carlin, Timothy Hellwig, Jonathan Hartlyn, Gregory Love, and Cecilia Martinez-Gallardo) is forthcoming in Comparative Political Studies and looks at why presidents have more volatile approval ratings than prime ministers do. “Populism and Meanings of Democracy” (coauthored with Nina Wiesehomeier) was published in a book by Routledge and looks at how populist-party voters define democracy and emphasize the popular will at the expense of minority rights. “Conditional Populist Party Support: The Role of Dissatisfaction and Incumbency” (Coauthored with Nina Wiesehomeier and Saskia Ruth Lovell) is forthcoming in the Latin American Research Review and looks at how dissatisfaction with democracy leads voters to support populist outsiders but those populists are held accountable for the perceived state of democracy once they govern. Finally, “LASSOing the Governor’s Mansion: A Machine Learning Approach to Forecasting Gubernatorial Elections” (coauthored with Gregory Love and Ryan Carlin) is forthcoming in PS: Political Science and Politics and develops a method for predicting outcomes in U.S. gubernatorial elections given presidential approval and gubernatorial approval in each state.

Dr. Rob Venator was featured in Connecticut Public Radio’s article, “Connecticut’s Latino Population Continues to Grow and Confront Disparities”.

Dr. Evan Perkoski was promoted to Associate Professor and tenure.

In July 2024, Dr. Jeremy Pressman published a new policy brief, “A Saudi Accord: Implications for Israel-Palestine Relations” with the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft.

Dr. Art House is quoted in the Hartford Courant article “For former UConn players, is playing in Russia worth the risk?” published on Aug. 8, 2024.

Dr. Jeremy Pressman was a guest on The Newell Normand Show (WWL Radio, New Orleans) discussing the possibility of regional war in the Middle East. He also was interviewed by the LA Times regarding crowd sizes at presidential rallies.

Dr. Jeremy Pressman was quoted in Willy Lowry, “A tale of two candidates: how Harris and Trump differ on foreign policy,” The National (UAE), August 23, 2024.

Dr. Zehra F. K. Arat attended the APSA Annual Convention in Philadelphia as well as the Connecticut/Baden-Württemberg Human Rights Research Consortium Workshop at UConn (Sept 19-20) and presented her paper entitled “Retrenchment in Class and Identity Politics: A Human Rights Theory of Democracy.” During the APSA Convention she also chaired two panels, on “Indigenous Communities and Human Rights” and “Capturing Causal Complexity: Islam/ism and Democracy,” respectively.

Dr. Oksan Bayulgen and Dr. Lyle Scruggs presented their paper “Attitudes toward wind projects and their electoral implications in Texas” at the APSA Annual Conference in Philadelphia.